The MFF Blog

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Like father like son?

Could not resist buying this set of children's clothes by Anakku. We saw them on discount when we were in Gerik's The Store (Belum trip) and bought 2 sets - this one and another sleeveless one trimmed in orange. At 50% off they were about RM12 per set of top and bottom. We were kiasu and bought the largest size available, which was for 12 to 18 months, so ZY will not outgrow them so fast.

Maybe MFF should come up with fishing-themed baby clothes! Hmm...

The obvious reason why we bought them despite having lot's of clothes already at home, was the design! If you cannot see the words printed on the t-shirt, they are "I Like Fishing. So Fun!"

Can't wait to bring him fishing!


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