The MFF Blog

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Similan Islands - The action

The journey was much longer and tougher than expected, we felt a little seasick but recovered once we reached the first jigging spot. It was a 8 plus hour journey before we had a chance to wet our lines. Very soon, the first fish of the trip, a red grouper, was landed... yes, by me.  :)

JM blue/silver Alien 150g

Our favourite sashimi fish - the yellow finned tuna. Tasted really tender and went well with the super strong China-made wasabi. Simply superb! 

Shibuki 186mm 80g sinking

Appetiser for our dinner that day!

The terrorist on the left, who worked hard to strike terror into the hearts of the local fish population, was rewarded with this 10kg GT. It whacked the lure 3 times, following all the way till it was finally hooked!

Gunz Tailwalk

Having caught the appetiser, it's time to catch the main dish for dinner...

Shout Stay blue/pink 130g

Another fish on the Shout Stay, this time a baby amberjack.

Shout Stay blue/pink 130g (again!)

The other terrorist on board also caught a baby amberjack.


The above mentioned terrorist was the one who caught this poisonous lionfish, which nobody dared to pose with. Hehe...

Lionfish on jig!

The jig fell out when this fish was landed, so we can't share what it was that tempted this fish  to bite.

Green Jobfish

Another green Jobfish.

JM Alien silver 150g

There were times when the screen of the fishfinder lifted our hopes and renewed our jigging enthusiasm, only to be disappointed.

Characters straight out of Sherman's Lagoon!

That was when I finally caved in and tried baiting with leftover tuna on tamban jigs to see what fish were swimming down there but didn't like the taste of metal.

Lo jiak, lo jiak... but it was a trigger fish spot.  :(

Luckily, a couple of Potato fish came up too.  :)

The hardworking crew transformed our catch into these tasty dishes.

Potato fish with sweet and sour sauce, yumz!

Deep-fried grouper with Thai chilli sauce.

Disclaimer: The fish that were sacrificed on this trip were the 2 groupers, 2 potato fish and the YFT. All other fish were released immediately after photo-taking.  :p


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