The MFF Blog

Saturday, June 20, 2009

CR - A 1.5 Hr Escapade 20/06/09

The lunar calender and tide table were consulted a few weeks before and the MFF resident 'astrologer' declared 20th Jun to be a good date for fishing. We found that the timing for high tide was 9:30am and decided to do some fishing from shore 2 hours before and after.

Having dragged ourselves from bed at 5:30am and proceeded to PRMP to buy live prawns, we arrived in good time even after a detour for a cup of kopi and soya bean milk.

Set up and started fishing at 7:30am. After about 30 minutes, a 'knock knock' and a pull on the small rod with prawn cubes produced a palm sized parrot. Encouraged by the results, we pushed on despite strong currents that swept our line away very fast. Before long, another guest arrived - this time a 700g kaci hungry for a whole live prawn. Woohoo!

Just as we were enthusiastically going on, unforeseen circumstances forced us to cut short our rather productive session. Haiz...

Never mind, the catch is just nice to cater for a good meal during the weekend. :P


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