The MFF Blog

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Disappearing act

First I must apologise for having disappeared so long from my last post till now, then I'm going to give my excuse - I was admitted to hospital on the 15th for a laparoscopic myomectomy.  So what? You may ask. Well, I wouldn't have bothered telling you this if not for the fact that my doctor gave me 32 days MC... Gasp!

Before everyone start grinning and slapping me on the back saying how lucky I am, let me tell you that I am virtually 'bedridden' for the first week, not allowed to do anything that is stressful for the second, and highly unlikely to be anywhere near a body of water in which you can find fish for the entire month. Sob....

No fishing till Chinese New Year? Boohoo!  :(


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