The MFF Blog

Saturday, September 12, 2009

MFF's New Look!

Just finished giving our blog a makeover. We love the new look and hope you do too! So, just indulge me and allow me to highlight a few items on this page, ok? :)

This will always be showing the date of our next fishing trip, so our readers would understand when we will 'disappear' and would also look forward to our CR!

Flickr & Youtube links
This will open a new window where our readers would be able to see our fishing photos and videos from different trips.

Fishing Links
This is a list of links to fishing sites - ranging from forums to tackle brands websites from different countries.

Pleeeeease do leave a note for us on the message board to tell us how much you like our blog (I hope!) or what kind of improvement you would like to see. We very much look forward to hearing from you!


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